
Mentoring is not coaching or counseling.  It is the relationship between a mentor (an experienced person) who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person, with the purpose of helping the mentee in her/his professional and personal development and become the best version of her/himself.  

As a mentor I will support, advise, and guide you, taking the time to get to know and understand you and the challenges you are facing, and using my knowledge, experience, life lessons and understanding to help you improve your own skills and capabilities.

Mentoring will:

  • Help you focus on your professional and personal goals and plan a path towards them.
  • Challenge your limits.
  • Introduce you to new ways of thinking and approaching situations.
  • Develop greater confidence and self-awareness.
  • Teach you to make better decisions for your overall personal and career grow.
  • Develop stronger communication skills.

  • Help you become more effective at work.
  • Teach you new skills and contribute to improve key skills.
  • Increase your job satisfaction and chances of promotion.
  • Help you accelerate your career into leadership positions.
  • Give you the chance to give back by mentoring other people.

What can we do together?


If you are in the C-Suite in your organization, you certainly know that only experience will give you confidence and certainty when making decisions.

Coaching is not needed when there is something to fix. It works much like it does with professional athletes: the more they are excelling in their careers, the more they need a coach to help them reach their full and true potential.

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It is generally accepted that two heads are better than one for facing and solving problems, making plans and discovering new approaches. So, if two heads are better than one, what about five, seven, ten….?

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Mentoring is not coaching or counseling.  It is the relationship between a mentor (an experienced person) who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person, with the purpose of helping the mentee in her/his professional and personal development and become the best version of her/himself.

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One of my favorite ways to share experience and knowledge is through speaking engagements.

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